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  • How to install a small domestic lift? The installation method is all here

    author: time:2022-01-26 click:

    How to install a small domestic lift?

    As people's living standards improve, many families are beginning to install small home lifts. As large and sophisticated furniture for the home, small home lifts have high requirements for the installation environment, and the good or bad installation determines the operating conditions and service life of the lift, so the owner must determine the installation conditions of the lift before installation and strictly enforce them.
    The installation conditions for small domestic lifts are mainly the following 6 points.
    1、Vertical through-hole space
    Depending on the installation location, the lift can be installed in the middle of the staircase, civil shaft, against the wall and other locations, regardless of the location, there needs to be a vertical through space. This is particularly important when cutting floor slabs for the installation of small domestic lifts. Very often, if the owner does not communicate well with the construction team, it is easy to have a situation where the holes cut in each floor are the same size, but the vertical space is not through, so the small domestic lift cannot be installed and requires secondary construction, which wastes time and manpower.

    2、Set aside enough pits Elevator installation generally requires setting aside pits. In addition to being installed in the traditional villa environment, the Eastside villa lift can also be installed in high-rise duplexes, an environment where a deep pit cannot be dug, making it easy and flexible to install.

    3、Adequate top floor height
    For safety reasons or due to the structure of the lift itself, the lift needs to be installed with sufficient space reserved for the top floor height. The minimum height of the top floor of the Eastside villa lift can be as high as 2600mm.
    4、Determine the location of the power supply and the wiring of the small home lift because each home owner has different needs, different base stations and different structures, the location of the power supply is not the same.

    5、Hardwork at home is completed Home lifts, as a sophisticated large household appliance, require special attention to prevent dust pollution during installation and daily maintenance. If the lift has been installed before the house renovation, then a large amount of dust generated during the renovation process will enter the lift, which is difficult to clean on the one hand, and more importantly, fine dust entering the interior of the lift structure will affect the normal operation of the lift and greatly shorten the service life of the lift. Therefore, the installation of small domestic lifts must be carried out after the completion of renovation.

    6. Thorough communication with the manufacturer, installation team and decoration construction team The good or bad of the installation determines the operating condition and service life of the small domestic lift. Therefore, before the installation, thorough communication with the manufacturer, installation team and decoration construction team must be carried out to confirm all the details and make preparations for the installation of the lift.