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  • How to Purchase and Install a Commercial Lift

    author:Nick time:2021-06-28 click:
    PART 01
    How to Purchase and Install a Commercial Lift

    We know that you probably have many questions about buying a commercial elevator,Whether you operate a multi-level mega-mall or an office building, you cannot do so without a commercial lift or elevator.

    Commercial Elevator Buying Guide for you:

    Step 1 : What Is a Commercial Elevator?


    Elevators for commercial buildings can take many forms, including passenger elevators designed to blend into the environment and carry people from one floor to another, freight elevators that are designed to carry cargo and heavy loads, and service elevators that can transport both passengers and cargo depending on the need.


    A passenger lift is intended for the transportation of people from one floor to another.

    A freight elevator is designed for the transportation of cargo rather than people. These lifts can usually take on heavier loads.


    A service elevator is similar to a freight elevator. Service elevator dimensions are designed to be large enough to carry goods and people from one floor to another.

    A service elevator is typically used by staff and restricted to employee access only.

    You'll often see a service elevator in a hospital so staff can quickly move carts and supplies from floor to floor.



    Step 2Commercial Space

    1.Does your commercial space have multiple floors?

    2.All areas accessible to people of every ability

    How Big Is a Commercial Elevator Required to Be?

    For a commercial elevator, the minimum elevator dimensions depend on the placement of the door. If the door is centered, the elevator car should be 51 inches deep and 80 inches wide; for elevators with a door placed to the side, the minimum width is 68 inches.



    Step 3 : Type of commercial lift

    What type of commercial lift is best?

    The answer will depend on factors including the amount of people or freight you need to lift and the amount of space you have.

    Step 4: Commercial Elevator Sizes

    Within a business setting, commercial elevators can be used to lift objects and groups of all sizes.

    A commercial elevator can range in size from a dumbwaiter to a freight elevator.

    Businesses that need to transport small objects from floor to floor.

    Other businesses will need to move large, heavy loads of cargo brought in with a forklift or other heavy machinery, and a freight elevator is built to withstand this sort of use.


    Step 5 :How much does a commercial elevator cost?

    The type of elevator installed depends on your budget, requirements, and space, which is why Fuji elevator has an extensive selection of commercial elevators to meet every need. When exploring available elevators, one of the first details to consider is the typical elevator shaft dimensions. Our representatives can help customers to determine the commercial elevator dimensions that would be best for their business.

    Fuji elevator offers many commercial elevators with varying specifications to fit different needs and applications.

    What makes us the right choice?

    The commercial elevators and lifts we have for sale are trusted designs that are guaranteed to work to their specifications, and among the commercial elevators for sale at Fuji elevator, we have many different sizes, styles, and designs suitable for a number of uses.

    For instance, our passenger elevators are ideal for nearly any application, making it possible to transport people and bulky objects from one floor to the next. And our SMR (small machine room) elevators are ideal for adding accessibility to churches, small offices, or other spaces up to three levels tall.

    These elevators are a bit smaller than a typical passenger elevator, making them easy to install in virtually any building.


    If you're still not quite sure which commercial elevator is right for your needs, we'd be glad to send you a free full-color catalog: It includes the commercial elevator dimensions for every model as well as its capacity, installation requirements, and more.

    We'd also be glad to provide a free price quote. Just give us a few details of what you're looking for to get pricing for an elevator that meets your specifications. Representatives are also available to assist customers over the phone, answering pertinent questions about the dimensions of an elevator, its capacity, its customization options, and more.

    Give us a ring, We're here to help!





