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  • How to control the quality of home elevator and lift?

    author: time:2021-04-24 click:

    As a high-end private customized residential product, the home elevator and lift must have higher requirements and pursuits in the decoration design. 
    Fuji home elevator and lift and lift strive to meet the highest requirements of customers in terms of quality, safety, energy saving, noise, environmental protection and pollution-free, top floor height, and power consumption. 
    Fuji home elevator and lift adopts the best quality components and systems in the country, and adopts permanent magnet synchronous gearless traction machine, VVVF control cabinet and five major safety components, ensuring that the main machine door machine is debugged before leaving the factory, using 1.2mm high quality Stainless steel sheet, low energy consumption, low noise and low maintenance. 
    The top floor design of less than 3 meters and the bottom pit of almost 0 meters all have smaller requirements for the customer's on-site hoistway, so that customers can live more comfortably and at ease.
    As a professional home elevator manufacturer, we will provide you with humanized elevator services