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  • Our Strength

    1.National level audited Fuji Elevator

    National-level production joint venture
    The legal person has set up companies in at least two provinces in China
    Very strict credit verification of the legal person

    2.Authorized by Japan Fuji Machinery & Electric Co.,Limited

    The automatic control technology and frequency conversion technology of Japn FUJI are leading in the world.
    FUJISJ Elevator is the only elevator joint venture R&D and manufacturing base of Japan Fuji Machinery & Electric Co.,Limited in the world.

    3.A joint venture focused on by the former Prime Minister of Japan

    When former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama visited China, he met with Mr. Zhang Fuquan, Chairman of FUJISJ Elevator.

    Add: F18, Xinyuan Center, No. 287, Fenghe Road, Lianhu District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China