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  • Our Service

    1.Six-year warranty on three major parts

    ① Six-year warranty scope:
    Traction machine, Integrated control cabinet,Door operator.

    ② Warranty conditions:
    The parts within the above range are guaranteed for six years under normal use environment and conditions. For damage caused by force majeure or improper use, management, and maintenance, the parts will be charged at the cost price.

    2.Five years free replacement for consuming parts

    Global brand FUJI Elevator, surpassing the industry rules, provides free elevator consuming parts for five years.

    3.Agents can get shared revenue and promotion cost support

    Agent brand value sharing
    Agent long-term revenue sharing
    Promotion cost support

    Add: F18, Xinyuan Center, No. 287, Fenghe Road, Lianhu District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China